Christophe de Callatay - Oil paintings

About Christophe de Callatay
Christophe de Callatay won at the age of 13 the first prize at a national painting contest organized by ADAC (Association pour la Diffusion Artistique et Culturelle) at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Brussels (Belgium).
He is a self-taught artist with a broad cosmopolitan education and background, holding a Master's Degree in Law, in Philosophy and in Journalism, with further diplomas in International Relations, Political Sciences and Management.
As a laureate of the Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF), he made films in the U.S. and India. He wrote a book on Media Education, published various articles and travelled the world as a journalist. He then embarked on a professional career in communications and public affairs playing various leadership roles within international organisations.
He is currently the CEO of the Brussels-based American European Community Association (AECA).
In parallel, he never stopped honing his artistic skills, developing over the years a solid experience and a rich portfolio as an oil painter.